Rumah Home

About us

Rumah Sayangan, a ministry birthed 29 years ago in 1989, was founded on the vision to see children from destitute families live out a meaningful life in a caring home. Back then, orphanages were scarce. The founders took a plunge into the uncharted waters of orphan care, armed with little experience, but with hearts full of  faith and love. That mission to shelter and help these children has taken us through many challenges over the years by God’s grace.

Rumah Sayangan is officially registered with the Registrar of Societies as Persatuan Rumah Sayangan in 1997 and also under the Care Center Act 1993. An elected Board of Management oversees the ministry and decides on policy matters. A staff of 5 personnel and volunteers share the responsibilities of the daily operations and routines.

Rumah Sayangan has helped more than 100 children transition to pre-adulthood under the care of dedicated staff and committed volunteers. Presently, we are caring for children age 6 to 18 . Priorities are given to their holistic development besides academic success.

We welcome all aids, contributions, gifts and resources that will help bless and sustain this ministry.

Core Pillars

The Operations

The Home’s operations involve administration, staffing, general housekeeping, property maintenance, and logistics. The daily home routine consists of scheduled activities for children’s schooling, tuition, playtime and rest. Holidays are scheduled with learning activities, charity events, outstation trips, pastime pursuits, workshops, and various celebrations.

The Overheads

The Home’s monthly expenditure consists of staff pay, utilities, children’s school and personal upkeep expenses, food and groceries, motor vehicle maintenance, property maintenance, insurances and other operation costs. The monthly sum is about RM15,000.

The Future

Rumah Sayangan seeks to be a model orphanage with sound and effective children development strategies to help them succeed in all areas of life.
By the grace of God, through dedicated staff and volunteers and with the benevolence of donors, we aspire to be an established home where our children are cared and restored to live out their destiny.